A Journey to Thrive - A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing Remote/On-Site Workforce Comfort and Safety by Minimizing Ergonomic Injury and Claims Risk

  • Room: Champagne 2
  • Session Number: OF2
Tuesday, November 02, 2021: 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM


Gourab Kar
Assistant Professor Department of Design at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Jeannie Koulizakis
Physical Therapist Ergonomic Injury Prevention Specialist
Szymon Sawicki
Co-Founder Chief of Operations


This session is a step-by-step guide for companies that want to proactively manage the ergonomic needs of their remote workforce. As a practicing physical therapist, I saw, first-hand, how COVID-19 and the advent of remote work caused a spike in the number of work-related MSD injuries and RA requests. Evidence-based ergonomic solutions, and not just stipends, are needed to curb the productivity losses and claims risk exposure that a lack of proactive ergonomic policies and procedures are creating. Learn how to optimize remote worker comfort and productivity while minimizing exposure to costly ergonomic injury claims risks. Learn how to assess "BEFORE" home office posture and MSD risks, how to make appropriate setup recommendations, how to assess risks "AFTER" installation, and how to track employee reports of comfort over time. Lastly, learn how to use this data as proof of due diligence in proactive accommodations, as well as proof of minimized MSD claims risk exposure.


Learning Objectives

1. Learn best practices for remote workplace MSD risk assessment that provides invaluable data and can demonstrate a culture of empathy
2. Learn best practices for custom fitting an ergonomic workspace to its user that is evidence-based to facilitate ideal postures and movement patterns during computer-based work. Cornell Research: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103211
3. Learn best practices for ergo product recommendations that are universal, customizable, and cost-effective at scale